Cannot scroll numbers in web browser
Since update, I am unable to scroll through my worksheets.
Windows, Windows 10
Since update, I am unable to scroll through my worksheets.
Windows, Windows 10
Hi ricklivewell,
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
We are happy to help with the issue you are having with not being able to scroll through your worksheets since updating. You should quit your apps, restart you device and try again. If the same thing happens, you can try to Start up your Mac in safe mode and see if the same thing happens.
Thanks for the reply. But this is on a Windows 10 machine as mentioned in the thread.
What I have done is this:
Restarted Windows machine
Eliminated the Chrome Browser I was using and reinstalled
Closed out of Apple iCloud on all devices and re-entered
This seems to be a Browser related problem.
Any other suggestions?
Microsoft Edge as it seems to work. So we narrowed it down to a chrome browser issue.
Hi ricklivewell,
Thanks for your update. You might want to test a second browser and see if the same thing happens.
FYI, update:
It was a Chrome Browser extension "Pinterest" that was causing the issue. Once removed I refreshed the Numbers page and all is working as normal.
Thanks again
Hi ricklivewell,
Thanks again for your follow up. Great to hear you figured out what was causing the issue! Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
Have a nice day!
Cannot scroll numbers in web browser