How to cancel a subscription on the renewal date
I see a subscription renewed today. Is there a way to cancel it today?
I see a subscription renewed today. Is there a way to cancel it today?
You can cancel it anytime you want. If its been renewed or going to be renewed to today you can still cancel, but it will likely still charge you. Apple advises to cancel any unwanted subscriptions at least 24 hours before they are set to renew, otherwise the cancelation may not be applied before it charges you.
If it does charge you, however, you can contact Apple Support for a refund.
Click here: link-> How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
And here to request a refund: link-> contact Apple Support.
You can cancel it anytime you want. If its been renewed or going to be renewed to today you can still cancel, but it will likely still charge you. Apple advises to cancel any unwanted subscriptions at least 24 hours before they are set to renew, otherwise the cancelation may not be applied before it charges you.
If it does charge you, however, you can contact Apple Support for a refund.
Click here: link-> How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
And here to request a refund: link-> contact Apple Support.
You can cancel, but the renewal will still be processed. The cancelation will take effect before the next renewal date.
How to cancel a subscription on the renewal date