iPhone Calendar
Somehow my calendar disappeared from my home screen. I can open it in the App store but it won't download to my iPhone. How do I get the calendar back?
Somehow my calendar disappeared from my home screen. I can open it in the App store but it won't download to my iPhone. How do I get the calendar back?
Are you using iOS version 14/15? If, YES then you Calendar app is still on your iPhone and is located in the App Library. The App Library is the last home screen on your iPhone. You can get to it by continuing to SWIPE LEFT on your home screen until you reach it. Locate the Calendar app in the App Library. TOUCH and DRAG the Calendar app out of the App Library and on to your favorite part of the home screen.
Axel F.
Oh gosh, thank you for this information - it comes together with the solution above. I am running 14.8, so it should be simple to follow your suggestion -- well, hopefully. I'm fairly capable of moving around my laptop and the options I have that are presented. When working into the settings where I have to work in the network, not so much. I'm keeping a positive attitude.
Well Axel, you helped me big time. I've seen the App Library several times and didn't realize it was there for more than selecting a game I had downloaded to begin to playing it. I'm embarrassed, but I've learned something, and might be able to help someone else in the future. Be well, Susan
You are welcome and good luck. Should be fairly easy. In short, find the calendar app in the App Library and then move it out of there to your favorite spot.
Axel F.
Check when you have the last backup, if relatively recently, I suggest starting with going back
Thank you so much for this information. I appreciate that you've made the effort to help me.
Hi Susan, no worries. I use the App Library for a quick find as well. You are welcome.
Axel F.
iPhone Calendar