"Documents" using 19.26GB; iCloud Drive storing 1.73GB--17.52 GB of ???!?
My iCloud management on multiple devices and iCloud.com Account Settings says I'm using 19.26 GB of storage for "Documents". I have no clue where all that is going. The other iCloud.com usage categories ("Photos and Videos", "Backup", "Mail", "Messages", "Family") all report usage numbers that seem reasonable vs. what I think is out there.
I'm guessing that "Documents" more or less equates to stuff in iCloud Drive.
Between MacOS Finder and review of "Recently Deleted" on iCloud.com iCloud Drive, I account for 6 items, 5 aliases, and 1 folder in (non-trash) stuff for a subtotal of 1.13 GB. And, in the Recently Deleted, I account for 162 files in three folders that cannot exceed a subtotal of 610 MB. (I say "cannot exceed" because in several folders with many files, I just used the largest file size as proxy for all the files. iCloud.com does not provide easy ways to see how much space multiple files or a folder are using.)
So, of the 19.26 GB iCloud says I'm using for "Documents", I can only find 1.74 GB in iCloud Drive and the other 17.52 GB is, well, zombie stuff known only to iCloud.
Anybody have any hints what/where this zombie stuff is and how to find/eliminate it?!?