iPhone 13 some photos did not sync
Any idea how to fix? Or how to easily find the photos that did not sync?
iPhone 13 Pro
Any idea how to fix? Or how to easily find the photos that did not sync?
iPhone 13 Pro
Visit www.icloud.com and log in there with your Apple ID (iCloud) and Password. Check all the available categories and you will see what is backed up to iCloud.
Now, if those missing videos/photos that you are seeing are related and saved within iMessage threads, then they will remain there and will appear once iCloud iMessage synching has been completed.
Axel F.
Visit www.icloud.com and log in there with your Apple ID (iCloud) and Password. Check all the available categories and you will see what is backed up to iCloud.
Now, if those missing videos/photos that you are seeing are related and saved within iMessage threads, then they will remain there and will appear once iCloud iMessage synching has been completed.
Axel F.
I synced my videos/photos from iCloud backup from my iPhone 12 when setting up my new iPhone 13. But my iPhone 13 is 200 photos and another 15 or so videos short of the number of videos/photos compared to my iPhone 12. Everything is done syncing/downloading from iCloud.
i did find two which were missing and both of them had a “from Abel” (my husband) on the top of them which I think were originally from iMessages. Not sure if that is related but it’s interesting so far.
I found two videos that
Find photos that did not synch from where? Which method did you use to transfer data to your iPhone 13 Pro? Provide some details. Thanks.
Axel F.
iPhone 13 some photos did not sync