Smart Keyboard suddenly stopped working—accessory not supported on this device
Why would my Smart Keyboard suddenly stop connecting and error message “this accessory not supported on this device” appear?
iPad Air, iOS 11
Why would my Smart Keyboard suddenly stop connecting and error message “this accessory not supported on this device” appear?
iPad Air, iOS 11
Bd432 Said:
"Why would my Smart Keyboard suddenly stop connecting and error message 'this accessory not supported on this device' appear?"
Time to Upgrade:
Perhaps you need to upgrade for compatibility? So, upgrade your iPad Air. Go Here: Making Use of a Computer for Updating an iOS Device - User Tip
Bd432 Said:
"Why would my Smart Keyboard suddenly stop connecting and error message 'this accessory not supported on this device' appear?"
Time to Upgrade:
Perhaps you need to upgrade for compatibility? So, upgrade your iPad Air. Go Here: Making Use of a Computer for Updating an iOS Device - User Tip
bpm123 Said:
"Same issue here but my ios is upgraded. I have cleaned contact points w rubbing alcohol and swab. …… any ideas?"
About this Message:
The rubbing alcohol likely damaged the device. The solvent seeped into it. So, you'll have to get a new Smart
Microfiber Cloth:
Next time you want to go about cleaning it, use a microfiber cloth.
This happens to me sometimes and for me it was because of the USB C power cable I had in my Keyboard. When I removed the cable and then removed the iPad from the Keyboard and reconnected the iPad to the Keyboard and checked that it was working again before reconnecting my USB C power cable again.
Same issue here but my ios is upgraded. I have cleaned contact points w rubbing alcohol and swab. …… any ideas?
I have read on the internet that u can get a free replacement... is that true?
Smart Keyboard suddenly stopped working—accessory not supported on this device