What is the appropriate time one should charge their iPhone? Should it be charged at 40% or should I allow it to discharge to 10%?
iPhone XS Max
What is the appropriate time one should charge their iPhone? Should it be charged at 40% or should I allow it to discharge to 10%?
iPhone XS Max
The appropriate time for me is when I go to bed at night, I put it on the charger and that way it completes an iCloud backup overnight. And turn on Optimized charging. And then don't worry about it, just don't totally deplete it.
The appropriate time for me is when I go to bed at night, I put it on the charger and that way it completes an iCloud backup overnight. And turn on Optimized charging. And then don't worry about it, just don't totally deplete it.
That is called "micromanaging battery", which is done much better by the onboard charging circuit than any human owner.
Charge to 100% whenever possible, especially overnight. Keep "optimized" under "Settings > Battery > BatteryHealth" on. Then get on with the things you bought the phone to do.