Can i upgrade my storage from 256 to 512gb?
can i upgrade my storage from 256 gb to 512 gb?
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 15
can i upgrade my storage from 256 gb to 512 gb?
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 15
If you purchased your iPhone within the last 14 days from Apple you can return it and then purchase the model with 512GB. If you are past that period you can sell your iPhone and use the proceeds and additional funds to buy one with 512GB.
If you purchased your iPhone within the last 14 days from Apple you can return it and then purchase the model with 512GB. If you are past that period you can sell your iPhone and use the proceeds and additional funds to buy one with 512GB.
No, the internal storage of iPhones and iPads is not upgradeable.
Can i upgrade my storage from 256 to 512gb?