Add to Home Screen button missing
how do I fix my add to Home Screen button? It is not showing.
how do I fix my add to Home Screen button? It is not showing.
where are you locating the app and expecting to see that option?
What is your iOS version?
With the latest iOS, if you are swiping down on a Home Screen and searching for the app, you would not get the option to add to the Home Screen if it's already on the Home Screen somewhere. If it's already on the Home Screen, but buried in a folder somewhere, when you type in the app name, it should show up right under the search field and off to the right, should tell you the name of the folder it's in.
If you are unable get that to work..
Try swiping all the way left until you get to the App Library. Swipe down to get an alphabetical list of your apps, or type the app name into the search field. From here, you can just tap/hold and drag the app out to your Home Screen regardless of whether it's already on your Home Screen
where are you locating the app and expecting to see that option?
What is your iOS version?
With the latest iOS, if you are swiping down on a Home Screen and searching for the app, you would not get the option to add to the Home Screen if it's already on the Home Screen somewhere. If it's already on the Home Screen, but buried in a folder somewhere, when you type in the app name, it should show up right under the search field and off to the right, should tell you the name of the folder it's in.
If you are unable get that to work..
Try swiping all the way left until you get to the App Library. Swipe down to get an alphabetical list of your apps, or type the app name into the search field. From here, you can just tap/hold and drag the app out to your Home Screen regardless of whether it's already on your Home Screen
Wordle.. an app? I'm pretty sure any app called wordle is a copy cat. Wordle is played online
In any case, if there is an app you want on your Home Screen.. I already told you how to do it.
Download it from the App Store, if you can't find it on your Home Screen, go to the App Library and add to your Home Screen from there
I am using wordle and would like it on my Home Screen. iPhone 12
Add to Home Screen button missing