Screen mirroring displays “ Casting to …” across the screen. How do I remove this?
Screen mirroring displays “ Casting to …” across the screen. How do I remove this?
Screen mirroring displays “ Casting to …” across the screen. How do I remove this?
Hi CarlsbadCA,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. To help troubleshoot this behavior, we recommend to restart your iOS device and the display you're using to mirror the screen. This can help resolve unexpected behavior. If needed, here's how to properly restart your device: Restart your iPhone
Hi CarlsbadCA,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. To help troubleshoot this behavior, we recommend to restart your iOS device and the display you're using to mirror the screen. This can help resolve unexpected behavior. If needed, here's how to properly restart your device: Restart your iPhone
Screen mirroring displays “ Casting to …” across the screen. How do I remove this?