Why does my phone not ring? Text and phone calls
iPhone 12, iOS 15
Why does my phone not ring? Text and phone calls
iPhone 12, iOS 15
Some things to check:
The ring/silent switch on the left side of the phone. See: How to put your iPhone on vibrate, ring, or silent mode - Apple Support
Do Not Disturb: Use Do Not Disturb on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
If none of the above, also try restarting: Restart your iPhone - Apple Support
Some things to check:
The ring/silent switch on the left side of the phone. See: How to put your iPhone on vibrate, ring, or silent mode - Apple Support
Do Not Disturb: Use Do Not Disturb on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
If none of the above, also try restarting: Restart your iPhone - Apple Support
Check that the Ring/Silent switch is set correctly.
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