How can I get a spam folder on my iPhone 13
No spam folder on iPhone 13
No spam folder on iPhone 13
Yes, I do have junk but on my laptop and weird stuff goes directly to the Junk folder, but on iPhone suddenly I’m getting numerous spam emails and I have to manually send them over to junk, one by one, which is frustrating.
Yes, I do have junk but on my laptop and weird stuff goes directly to the Junk folder, but on iPhone suddenly I’m getting numerous spam emails and I have to manually send them over to junk, one by one, which is frustrating.
Who is your mail provider? Their filters are responsible for sending mail to the In Box, Junk, etc.
If I am understanding your information correctly, you would want to ask the support folks at your mail provider why you are receiving one message on your Mac that goes to Junk while you are receiving the same message on the iPhone which does not go to Junk.
Who is your email provider? Maybe they have a Junk folder instead of Spam?
How can I get a spam folder on my iPhone 13