Repeated Crashes - Catalina 10.15.7
Hi everyone .
My iMac (late 2013) is repeatedly crashing. Attached my EtreCheckPro Report. Any help diagnosing this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone .
My iMac (late 2013) is repeatedly crashing. Attached my EtreCheckPro Report. Any help diagnosing this issue would be greatly appreciated.
When did you replace the stock drive with the Samsung EVO SSD?
I also see some weird stuff in the diagnostic section that I have never seen before.
At this point I can only suggest trying Safe Mode followed by a restart.
see > Start up your Mac in safe mode - Apple Support
Then if that doesn’t help, then perhaps reinstating the macOS might.
When did you replace the stock drive with the Samsung EVO SSD?
I also see some weird stuff in the diagnostic section that I have never seen before.
At this point I can only suggest trying Safe Mode followed by a restart.
see > Start up your Mac in safe mode - Apple Support
Then if that doesn’t help, then perhaps reinstating the macOS might.
I suspect the hard disk portion of your Fusion Drive is failing which is causing the kernel panics. Please download the evaluation copy of DriveDX and test the Fusion Drive. If any errors appear, that confirms my hunch. As your computer is classed as obsolete, you can take it to an independent Apple Authorized Service Provider for repair or you can get an external SSD, clone the internal drive to the SSD and then use the external SSD as your primary drive.
Another option is to simply replace the computer, it is very close to 10 years old now and cannot run current versions of Mac OS. New Macs are considerably quicker than your 2013.
Thank you very much for your time and response. I used the program to analyze the disk and this is what it found.
Thank you for your reply. The error occurred with the original hard drive, that was the reason for the change.
However I will try what you suggest.
Thank you very much.
Repeated Crashes - Catalina 10.15.7