How long do I have to pick up my MacBook Pro order?
hello I want to order the macbook pro and to pick it up from miami for how many days you can save my product?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
hello I want to order the macbook pro and to pick it up from miami for how many days you can save my product?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
as I said, we are other users, not Apple, and do not know what the policies are for that store. You need to check with that store.
as I said, we are other users, not Apple, and do not know what the policies are for that store. You need to check with that store.
You will have to confirm with the store - most stores will keep it for 2 - 3 days. By the way, we are not Apple, just other users.
if i scheduled the picking to the 27th I can pick it up on the 29th?
How long do I have to pick up my MacBook Pro order?