I am not able to Airplay on my Apple TV
I am not able to Airplay on my Apple TV using Disney + after the iOS 16 update
I am not able to Airplay on my Apple TV using Disney + after the iOS 16 update
Can you successfully AirPlay from other apps?
Try this for any misbehaving iPhone app:
AirPlay to what model Apple TV? Identify your Apple TV model - Apple Support
Disney+ states that Apple TV (3rd generation or later) should be supported for receiving content using AirPlay.
Troubleshooting: Make sure the iOS device with Disney+ and the Apple TV are both connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
you can use How to contact an app developer - Apple Support
but if it's known contact providers like disney or netflix or the likes you can likely also contact them directly from their site using their support channel
This is exactly what I am experiencing, too.
I am having the same issue, I was able to airplay Disney + and Hbo max on my 3rd gen apple tv before the ios 16 update but now I keep getting « an error occurred loading this content » message. Airplay still works with my ipad for both these apps - which is not updated to ios 16. The issue seems to be the ios update rather than Disney or Hbo max.
it's a choice for app developers if they wish to block airplay, best you can do is to reach out to disney and try getting them to reconsider or to get a newer appletv which support the disney app
It is the 3rd generation Apple TV thank you!
Airplay stopped working only on the Disney + App once I updated to iOS 16. It was also a problem on my girlfriends phone once she updated it
Unlike Disney+, HBO Max says not to support using AirPlay to an Apple TV (3rd generation).
Maybe so, doesn’t change the fact that hbo max still works via my ipad with the 3rd gen apple tv :/
Yes I can airplay using other apps which is why I’m frustrated
Tried all you've said, but in vain. (except contacting the developer since I don't know how to)
I am not able to Airplay on my Apple TV