Why has "WhatsApp" replaced "message" on my iphoneSE
Why has "WhatsApp" replaced "message" on my iphoneSE?
Why has "WhatsApp" replaced "message" on my iphoneSE?
The Messages app can’t be deleted from your phone. So, it’s still there. Have you tried looking for it in the App Library? Have you tried searching for it?
Find your apps in App Library on iPhone - Apple Support
Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
The Messages app can’t be deleted from your phone. So, it’s still there. Have you tried looking for it in the App Library? Have you tried searching for it?
Find your apps in App Library on iPhone - Apple Support
Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
WhatsApp is not an Apple product. Contact the app developer here --> App Support or WhatsApp FAQ Or Restoring your chat history - WhatsApp FAQ or Contact WhatsApp
WhatsApp Business is not an Apple product. Contact the app developer here --> Developer Website or App Support or WhatsApp business products - WhatsApp FAQ
Can you please provide more detail about the issue.
Why has "WhatsApp" replaced "message" on my iphoneSE