Print option on Pages on iPad has disappeared
After upgrade to 16.2, print option has disappeared from iPad Pages
iPad Pro, 12.9-inch, 6th Gen, Wi-Fi
After upgrade to 16.2, print option has disappeared from iPad Pages
iPad Pro, 12.9-inch, 6th Gen, Wi-Fi
With introduction of updated versions of Apple’s productivity Apps (Pages, Numbers etc.), the print and export functions have been moved.
Print and Export are now accessed from the associated Document menu.
Tap the down arrow next to the document name in the upper left corner of the page to see the print option.
Thank you! I had seen this suggestion on a November response but hitting the down arrow revealed only the top 3 options, no print or export. So I forced my iPad off and went for a walk. Once back I turned it on, found your suggestion and tried again. There they are!
Apologies Demo. Hadn’t seen your explanation before hitting the post button.
No worries. I’ve done the same thing many times over the years.
Print option on Pages on iPad has disappeared