Server request this iPhone 6 be unlocked by Apple.
My server ConsumerCell wants Apple to unlock this phone
They said Apple can unlock as they did not lock it, they only sent SIM
iPhone 6
My server ConsumerCell wants Apple to unlock this phone
They said Apple can unlock as they did not lock it, they only sent SIM
iPhone 6
Pi2023 wrote:
My server ConsumerCell wants Apple to unlock this phone
They said Apple can unlock as they did not lock it, they only sent SIM
I’d expect that a carrier has the ability to contact Apple directly about carrier unlock issues with a device.
Requesting an unlock via a user-to-user forum is just not going to be fruitful.
Carrier unlock only happens with the carrier holding the lock, or that carrier discussing this directly with Apple.
How to unlock your iPhone for use with a different carrier - Apple Support
iPhone 6 is forever limited to iOS 12, which means it’ll be increasingly difficult to get third-party apps for this device, too. Given the barrage of questions, some popular apps now have minimums newer than iOS 12, too.
Pi2023 wrote:
My server ConsumerCell wants Apple to unlock this phone
They said Apple can unlock as they did not lock it, they only sent SIM
I’d expect that a carrier has the ability to contact Apple directly about carrier unlock issues with a device.
Requesting an unlock via a user-to-user forum is just not going to be fruitful.
Carrier unlock only happens with the carrier holding the lock, or that carrier discussing this directly with Apple.
How to unlock your iPhone for use with a different carrier - Apple Support
iPhone 6 is forever limited to iOS 12, which means it’ll be increasingly difficult to get third-party apps for this device, too. Given the barrage of questions, some popular apps now have minimums newer than iOS 12, too.
Consumer Cellular operates using AT&T’s (or T-Mobile’s) cellular networks, which use GSM technology. Back when the iPhone 6 was released by Apple 8½ years ago, there were two models of iPhone 6 sold in the U.S. - a GSM model that would work with the above carriers, and a CDMA model that works with Verizon. These are not interchangeable.
Aside from that difference, only the original cellular carrier may unlock an iPhone should they choose to do so.
I have never been left with the full ability to receive and make calls before. I like this phone. Please unlock or advise please
Server request this iPhone 6 be unlocked by Apple.