Why can't I turn off the "headphone" volume warning?
This is absurd that you can not turn it off, even in my vehicle. Govern me harder daddy.
This is absurd that you can not turn it off, even in my vehicle. Govern me harder daddy.
Yes you can
Settings, Accessibility, audio visual, headphone notifications, off
In addition any bluetooth device can be classified as Speaker which is not controlled
Yes you can
Settings, Accessibility, audio visual, headphone notifications, off
In addition any bluetooth device can be classified as Speaker which is not controlled
You the real MVP, was chatting with Apple and they said it could not be turned off. Thank you so much!!
Apple brought it in a couple of ios versions ago, ios14 maybe, and had to bring in the changes to quell all the complaints. Busy time on here!
Why can't I turn off the "headphone" volume warning?