Apple TV - black rectangle on screen
Apple TV has black rectangle showing up on center of screen. Closed Caption is off, conference room is off, etc. Any suggested fixes?
Apple TV 4K (3rd generation)
Apple TV has black rectangle showing up on center of screen. Closed Caption is off, conference room is off, etc. Any suggested fixes?
Apple TV 4K (3rd generation)
Mine is doing it now too... Its right in the center down toward the bottom of the video. (MBP M1 Pro 16GB Sonoma 14.5)
Mine is doing it now too... Its right in the center down toward the bottom of the video. (MBP M1 Pro 16GB Sonoma 14.5)
I can only imagine that the TV itself is overlaying some rectangle, as nothing in Apple TV is known to be able to do that.
Apple TV - black rectangle on screen