Any way to publish every parameter in Motion?
It is fiddly having to open and select every parameter to be published individually in a Motion template.
Is there a quick way to select everything in one go?
iMac 27″ 5K
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It is fiddly having to open and select every parameter to be published individually in a Motion template.
Is there a quick way to select everything in one go?
iMac 27″ 5K
Not that I'm aware of...
I do think that it would not be so great to just publish everything, though.
Let's say your Motion template has five objects, and you just publish everything.
When you then open the Inspector in FCP, it will not just be crowded, which would make it difficult to find what you want, but also there will be several parameters with exactly the same name, like Position and Rotation, and it will be unclear which object they refer to.
Having to publish individual parameters makes one think carefully as to which parameters do really deserve to be published.
Also, it helps the FCP user if one takes time to reorder the parameters, and edit some names. For example, if you publish the Scale of two different things, renaming them in Motion's project Inspector as "ObjectA Scale" and "ObjectB Scale" makes it clear for the user of the template which is which.
Not that I'm aware of...
I do think that it would not be so great to just publish everything, though.
Let's say your Motion template has five objects, and you just publish everything.
When you then open the Inspector in FCP, it will not just be crowded, which would make it difficult to find what you want, but also there will be several parameters with exactly the same name, like Position and Rotation, and it will be unclear which object they refer to.
Having to publish individual parameters makes one think carefully as to which parameters do really deserve to be published.
Also, it helps the FCP user if one takes time to reorder the parameters, and edit some names. For example, if you publish the Scale of two different things, renaming them in Motion's project Inspector as "ObjectA Scale" and "ObjectB Scale" makes it clear for the user of the template which is which.
Ian R. Brown wrote:
Thanks . . . but I was hoping for a different answer. 🙁
Sorry about that... the only possibility that I can imagine - barring Apple offering a "Publish All" command or something, which is very unlikely - is to somehow hack into the xml.
But the problem is that this is very tricky and one false move can make the file invalid; plus I don't know if one can even find all that there is to be published by parsing the xml file. Different objects in Motion have different parameters - even small things like a rectangle, line, or text item already have many. And if we go on to behaviors, rigs, replicators and emitters...
Anyway, even if this happens to be feasible, it is way beyond my level of expertise.
I tried to see what changes might happen to the xml by publishing just ONE parameter vs none, and it is not at all obvious how that works.
Thanks . . . but I was hoping for a different answer. 🙁
That's OK. I won't fret over it now I know it's got to be done.
Any way to publish every parameter in Motion?