T26qegy wrote:
I need you to answer me
This is not a real-time chat. Nor is it a hotline to Apple.
Posting an off-topic to a thread, then making additional posts to "bump" the thread twice, within the space of two or three minutes (as shown by timestamps), is not helpful.
- If you deleted a photo that was "loose" in the filesystem (not kept within any photo application's database), see if it is in the Trash. The Trash is Finder's "safety net", similar to the "Recently Deleted" album in Photos.
- If the photo is there, you can drag it out of the Trash to save it.
- If the photo is not there, because you emptied the Trash, that implies that you emptied the Trash despite getting a warning that your data would be permanently deleted, and that you would not be able to get it back.