How can I remove my iphone from my wifes account
How can I remove my Iphone from my wifes Apple account and set up my own. I receive all her texts, photos and heaven knows what
iPhone 7, iOS 15
How can I remove my Iphone from my wifes Apple account and set up my own. I receive all her texts, photos and heaven knows what
iPhone 7, iOS 15
2 people share the same Apple ID. The wife signs out of the current Apple ID (which is her husband's) phone and creates a brand new Apple ID. She was able to save contacts, photos, messages etc, by following directions in Apple Support. Now she needs to remove her phone which is listed under the husband's account. If she removes her iPhone, will she loose any data? She is separating accounts and changing to a different mobile carrier.
2 people share the same Apple ID. The wife signs out of the current Apple ID (which is her husband's) phone and creates a brand new Apple ID. She was able to save contacts, photos, messages etc, by following directions in Apple Support. Now she needs to remove her phone which is listed under the husband's account. If she removes her iPhone, will she loose any data? She is separating accounts and changing to a different mobile carrier.
Munzi-17 wrote:
2 people share the same Apple ID. The wife signs out of the current Apple ID (which is her husband's) phone and creates a brand new Apple ID. She was able to save contacts, photos, messages etc, by following directions in Apple Support. Now she needs to remove her phone which is listed under the husband's account. If she removes her iPhone, will she loose any data? She is separating accounts and changing to a different mobile carrier.
By signing out of the husband's Apple ID on her phone, she has removed it from his Apple account. If, however, by "account", you meant the cellular account, that is something that they will need to take up with the carrier. The carrier generally needs permission from the account holder to move a number to a new account.
Munzi-17 wrote:
Thank you for your quick response! She is working on getting off the carrier account. Lots of drama! She does now have her new ID and it appears she was able to save everything she needed.
Yeah, these things are always more drama than it seems they ought to be. Glad it's moving along.
Thank you for your quick response! She is working on getting off the carrier account. Lots of drama! She does now have her new ID and it appears she was able to save everything she needed.
How can I remove my iphone from my wifes account