Need Powermac G5 Sata II Rocketraid 2210 PCI-X card firmware.
Hi I recently purchased this card to achieve SATA II speeds on my PCI-X Powermac G5. I am unable to find the firmware, but am trying to take a shot in the dark. On this website roughly 3 years ago a member by the username Rad1radio says an ebay seller emailed him the firmware for Mac OS X or sent him the firmware because these cards supposedly don't play well without it. I reached out to the seller of my card, but no dice. Is there anyone who knows how I can message that user, have found the firmware themselves, or know how I can find it?
Rad1radio started with this message in 2021, "I have a dual 2.0GHz, AGP, & PCI-X G5 (2004-2005 model).I have already upgraded it to 8 GB of RAM, replaced the video card with an ATI Radeon an Pro 9600 Mac/PC edition w/256 MB RAM, replaced the original superdrive with an 18x DVD-RW drive, and had a 500GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD, and another 320GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD.
I have bought two 1TB SATA SSD’s for this machine after successfully upgrading both my late 2008 & mid 2012 MBP’s with HUGE boost in performance. I am aware of that the G5 only has SATA 1.0 onboard, and because it does not have PCI-e and takes DDR RAM, can only be upgraded to SATA 2.0.
PCI-X cards are not very prevalent, and I got one that appears to be compatible, but isn’t working. It is a HighPoint RocketRaid 2210 PCI-X card that is SATA 2.0. I don’t really care about the raid, just the upgraded SATA speed.I am pretty sure the issue is that the disc it came with does not have drivers that have a universal or power PC binary, and I cannot seem tofind ones anymore. They did exist at one point.The manual is abysmal, and appears to be written by someone whose 1st language is probably not english. Also, the instructions in the manual are generic and seem to be for multiple different devices, and not everything seems applicable. Especially in the OS X section, there seems to be many errors. I am about to return the item. I purchased it on eBay, unopened. But I am not ready to give up on upgrading this machine to SATA 2.0 and SSD’s.Could somebody please recommend a good PCI-X SATA 2.0 host controller (2 ports or more), that is stable, installs easily, and fully compatible with both Tiger 10.4.11 and Leopard 10.5.8? I do not even care if it is not an official Mac supported product, as long as it will recognize my SSD’s and give me the 3Gbps transfer rate, I’ll figure out the rest."
Thanks, if that further narrows the context of what I'm talking about. I'm really looking forward to finishing this project. I have two of the same dual Powermac 2.0Ghz and two of the same sealed cards from what appears to be the same seller on Ebay. I just bought them a couple years apart and never reached out to Rad1radio on this forum before or know how I can now.