Unbearably slow iCloud sync, serious problem (fileproviderd)
Hope to find some help here...
I am unable to sync iCloud files since 3 days now (Snonoma 14.5). It is unbearably slow.
I tried to disable sync from system preferences, did many restarts - nothing helps.
In Console I see hundreds of errors about some SQL statement that is "significantly too slow":
[ERR 2024-07-13 08:41:13.922+0200] fileproviderd[661] com.apple.CloudDocs.iCloudDriveFileProvider/7{34}4 🐌 Significantly too slow SQL statement
The indicator changes verrrrry slowly (last digit counts up maybe once per minute)
Someone having similar issues and knows how to resolve? <hope on>
Thank you!
Mac mini (M1, 2020)