Access to the path '/Users/username/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/.../file.xlsx' is denied.
I have been working with an Excel file without any issues until today. As ussual I opened the Excel file (saved on iCloud) and push the button "Refresh All" When I tried to connect to an external Excel file (also saved on iCloud) I got a message from Excel "Access to the path '/Users/username/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/mydoc/sales/forecasting/rawdata.xlsx' is denied."
I have not made any changes with permitions I just opened laptop screen and made all steps that I made previously, but got this message.
I found this topic but it did'nt help me.
Might be someone faced with this issuse or know how it could be resolved?
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 14.5