Okay, first off, think logically. If you pay them with litocoin over the web, whats stopping them from taking over your account anyways?
Secondly, the only reason why they want you to pay with cryptocurrency is because immediatley after paying they will take the money, transfer it out, and run away.
Thirdly, Malware built for the iPhone is very rare, and even if so Apple builds in sandboxing along with multiple secuirity methods that make it very hard to iPhones to track you and send data back. If you haven't downloaded anything sketchy recently, then it is defjnitely a scam. Even if you have do not reply to the email nor do anything else.
The best option for you is to keep waiting for your Apple ID reset. Sometimes theres a backlog. In any case, download and export everything important off you rphone into a cloud based secure platform like google drive or onedrive, and keep waiting. IN the meantime, you could make a new apple ID while waiting for the reset ticket.