Do you know what this message error means after project failing to export?
Hello, do you know what this message error means after project failing to export? Thank you for your help.
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 14.6
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Hello, do you know what this message error means after project failing to export? Thank you for your help.
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 14.6
Do not go inside the library bundle. You can damage it doing that. In the FCP File menu with the library selected use Delete Generated Library Files.
There was a problem decoding that frame in the project.
Start by deleting all render files, do not render and export. If it works, fine.
If the problem persists: change the time display in the settings to "Frames", and see what is at that frame number. If the clip is somehow corrupted, you may have to edit around the problem.
Yes. I didn't see his message when I posted. ;) Can you tell me if I should delete all render files and folders is that to say High Quality Media + Peaks Data + Thumbnail Medias? Or just one of them? Thank you.
Thank you. I have done that. Currently trying to export. I will see if it works or if I need to change de settings to frames and see which frame is causing a problem. But given the 2 error message I got, it was 2 different frames, so I am a bit worried. We will see.
I have deleted render files but it didn't work.
On my screenshot, every render files which has failed has a different frame number. I have checked each frame from the 3 error messages I got and it is always one where I put the stabilisation command on.
Actually, I removed on the few clips where I put the stabilisation on, the stabilisation function. And it could export. I don't get it. I have used this function many times and it has never happened before.
I have tried again exporting this time on my Mac (because with a previous project, there was a problem exporting on my external drive). And I have a new error message. I have no clue what this mean.
Hello Luis, Thank you for your reply. This is what I should delete?
Thank you.
Here there are.
Same as Luis said only a different frame number.
What are the project properties? What are the media specs?
I answered but my reply is upper in the conversation.
I have actually unchecked all the clips where I put stabilisation on and I could export.
If you mark in and out points around a stabilized clip or a group of adjacent stabilized clips can you export them?
Do you know what this message error means after project failing to export?