Help with Finder window spawn script
trying to tweak this script to do something very simple: open two adjacent finder windows on my laptop screen EVEN IF my external display serves as the "Main display," any help much appreciated:
tell application "Finder"
-- Set the screen dimensions for your laptop display
set screenWidth to 1440
set screenHeight to 932
-- Calculate window dimensions to fit side by side
set windowWidth to (screenWidth * 0.45) as integer -- 45% of screen width
set windowHeight to (screenHeight * 0.8) as integer -- 80% of screen height
-- Calculate positions to place the windows adjacent to each other on the laptop screen
set leftWindowX to ((screenWidth - (2 * windowWidth)) / 3) as integer -- Centered with equal margins
set rightWindowX to (leftWindowX + windowWidth + (screenWidth - (2 * windowWidth)) / 3) as integer -- Directly adjacent to the left window
set windowY to ((screenHeight - windowHeight) / 2) as integer -- Centered vertically
-- Get all Finder windows
set allWindows to every Finder window
-- Ensure we have at least two windows
if (count of allWindows) < 2 then
-- If there aren't two windows, create them
repeat (2 - (count of allWindows)) times
make new Finder window
delay 0.5 -- Wait for the window to open
end repeat
set allWindows to every Finder window
end if
-- Position the first two windows on the laptop display
set bounds of item 1 of allWindows to {leftWindowX, windowY, leftWindowX + windowWidth, windowY + windowHeight}
set bounds of item 2 of allWindows to {rightWindowX, windowY, rightWindowX + windowWidth, windowY + windowHeight}
-- Set the view to columns
set current view of Finder window 1 to column view
set current view of Finder window 2 to column view
end tell
[Re-Titled by Moderator]