If it takes minutes, and repeated inspection of the same drop-down menus and sys-prefs and whatnot, it's secret. (I first wasted time hunting for them in the Cmd-, [i.e., command comma] aka Preferences on one of the menus.) Why aren't they all in the same place? So I have to check the menus, the app prefs., and the sys prefs. I assume any one of them is somewhere in there. That's a lot of places to look. Sometimes it could be a right-click menu. And where's the setting for Mail? I can't find that one at all.
When there's only one tab, it's a window. When you move a tab, it looks like a window. When you move a window that has only one tab, which is almost silly, it's a window. Aren't tabs just windows inside an enveloping window? Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but when I think of tabs, I also think of the part that sticks out on regular paper folders and such. You know, the part where you write with a pen or pencil what you put in that folder.
Is this action documented anywhere? It always came as a big surprise. And I don't think it was always tabs. Maybe it was. Or maybe it was the single tab in a single window trick.
And why would the inbox be a tab? Can you put multiple tabs/windows in that window? If so, it's news to me. And if you have multiple messages in a single window, won't each tab be labelled anyway?
I would have hoped you would have guessed tabs: "Are you sure you're not talking about tabs?"
A tab is a window in a window. And it becomes an isolated window when you're moving it. So I asked about windows. If I knew it was a tab, I would have said tab. To me it looked like I was moving a window. So I said window.