Discrepancy between date taken and date created in photo files.
I was looking at some photos taken in May 2017 and each dated file, when I open a photo, the data under the photo shows that all the files taken on any particular dated set of photos, is showing as 'File created 30 June 2020, albeit at diifferent times of day.
The photo was actually shot on 30th May 2017 and during the early to mid afternoon, NEVER at 19:51 at night, and never in June 2020, as I was in hospital at that time.
My problem is a) do I leave the photo file data 'as is', or b) is it possible to alter the metadata to at least show the correct date taken even if the time of day is incorrect? or c) leave everything as is because I don't know if any other metadata has been corrupted in this way, because it would take an awfully long time to alter anything.
For what it's worth, all or most of my current files are on a Western Digital external NAS drive, so I wonder if their machine files have corrupted my metadata, which was created by the SD card in my camera. There is, possibly the outside chance that I may have set the camera's date and time incorrectly, and I really mean 'outside chance' as I'm usually aware of date discrepancies.
iMac 27″, macOS 10.15