Good morning!
Unfortunately, these user-to-user forums have no support for Apple business and educational initiates, and Apple generally does not respond here.
It is my understanding that with those initiatives comes special support contact information that will get you to an Apple employee in their business sector. Did you get something like that?
I found this:
Contact Apple for support with Apple Business Manager, Apple School Manager, Apple Business Essentials, and Pro Apps - Apple Support
I do not know if that includes Business Connect.
You may have to log in here:
Business - Business Connect - Apple
to ask questions, As I am not a member, I can't test it on your behalf.
Interesting—I did not find that Connect link using Apple's web site search. I had to use an outside search engine.
I wish we could help more. If you want to try here further, I can ask the Mods to move your question to the Mac in Business forums section, but I don't know if that will help. The section you found, "Using the Communities" is titularly for asking how to use the forums software, but has turned into a bit of a dumping ground. Things posted here get few views. Let me know.
—expat Texan. The Hill country is my favorite Lone Star region.