When exactly will Monterey 12.7.6 stop security updates?
So every time I open Microsoft Word or Excel, I see the yellow bar that says "Office Update To keep up-to-date with security updates, fixes, and improvements, choose Check for Updates" and so when I do check for any updates, it says "MacOS Upgrade Required." When I check for software updates, it says I am up-to-date which makes me think my early 2015 MacBook Pro is now at risk for vulnerability, correct me if I am wrong on that. It's not only Microsoft that won't update, I have three other apps that won't as well. With that said, does that mean I will no longer receive any security updates? Is there an exact month and year when those will be provided? I have all my passwords stored so should I be thinking about removing them? Is there anything I should or should not do?
Earlier Mac models