Lost MacBook Pro 14
I purchased a MacBook 14 pro from Lacuracao in Anaheim ca , in result of severe malware and identity theft security comprised circumstances
I purchased a MacBook 14 pro from Lacuracao in Anaheim ca , in result of severe malware and identity theft security comprised circumstances
"Lost MacBook Pro 14: I purchased a MacBook 14 pro from Lacuracao in Anaheim ca , in result of severe malware and identity theft security comprised circumstances"
Getting Info Off of a Sold Mac:
Are you saying you purchased a used Mac, that has another person's personal information on it? If so, take this to the seller, and return it. This is the site the seller should have used, prior to selling it to you, including the iCloud logout: What to do Before you Sell, Give Away, Trade in, or Recycle your Mac - Apple Support. The seller should have known better.
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Lost MacBook Pro 14