How can I get a refund from an unwanted iTunes subscription charge?
How can I get a refund from an unwanted iTunes subscription charge?
iPhone XS, iOS 13
How can I get a refund from an unwanted iTunes subscription charge?
iPhone XS, iOS 13
If you're eligible, ask for a refund following these instructions:--> Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support
If you're eligible, ask for a refund following these instructions:--> Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support
Did you agree to the subscription and then decide to cancel it? If you did, you most likely are not entitled to a refund. If you agreed to it and decided you didn’t like it or want it, that’s not grounds for a refund.
I used to have a subscription but cancelled it long time ago and for some reason it charged me again unknowingly... (guessing maybe my baby niece accidentally pushed a button or something).... but it anyway it’s all good. Just make the most of it for 1 month. Thank you
You also need to cancel the subscription if you had one. See this, View, change, or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support
Thank you. But there’s no option in this section to refund the charge.
Thank you. Yes I did. But still lost $10 for nothing... oh welll... Thanks anyway
How can I get a refund from an unwanted iTunes subscription charge?