Listing of music on iPhone
What does this cirular symble mean on the list of songs on my iPhone pictured here?
The song is also greyed out.
What does this cirular symble mean on the list of songs on my iPhone pictured here?
The song is also greyed out.
ecnghm99 Said:
"What does this cirular symble mean on the list of songs on my iPhone pictured here?: The song is also greyed out."
What to Try:
It is likely a glitch between your device and Apple's servers. So, to fix this, two things to try:
A. Authorize the Device:
See if the device needs to be authorized to let this all to be followed through with.
B. Cancel all Greyed-Out Songs:
With all greyed-out songs having been deleted, all will likely sync.
Any success?
Sorry, neither suggestion works.
Additionally; The songs that are greyed out on the PC are also greyed out on the iPhone. It seems that all the songs (that is, by a selected samples) seem to not play on the iPhone and there is a message "This song is not currently available in your country or region."
This is all new to me. Before I resynced the iPhone to iTunes for the first time in a year or so, this now happened. Before this sync, I had checked "manually manage music and videos" and adding new albums and songs to the phone. I was not using "Sync only checked songs and videos" as I just did when this came up.
ecnghm99 Said:
"What does this cirular symble mean on the list of songs on my iPhone pictured here?: So, I went through the list on the PC showing the phone and those that were greyed out, I deleted them directly on the phone and then resynced. This worked."
You are welcome. And thank you for spreading the word. It will help many for certain.
So, I went through the list on the PC showing the phone and those that were greyed out, I deleted them directly on the phone and then resynced. This worked.
Thanks for the info.
Listing of music on iPhone