I can't publish my podcast
my apple podcast connect always in : Something went wrong. I can't publish my podcast.
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
my apple podcast connect always in : Something went wrong. I can't publish my podcast.
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
That's not a feed, but in theory a Podcasts Connect page for your podcast: all I get is that an error has occurred.
Have you created a feed and submitted it to Podcasts Connect? Or have you joined the Podcasters Program and are constructing the podcast directly in Podcasts Connect?
If the former, the feed, I need the URL you submitted.
If the latter, I can't help you since it's entirely between you and Podcasts Connect and I have no access to the process. You would need to take it up with Podcasts Support: https://itunespartner.apple.com/contact/?content_type=podcasts
Yes, that's the feed. It seems to be basically OK, and it can be subscribed to manually in Apple Podcasts on a Mac and plays there.
So I don't know what's causing the problem. You could try submitting it again, making a note of the exact time, and then asking Soundon whether it's possible to check their server logs and see whether anyuthing turns up: although the feed is readable in Podcasts and in Firefox it's not entirely unknown for a server to fail to handle requests from Podcasts Connect properly (though it's rare).
You could try asking support at the URL I gave you above, but they may not offer any help.
Thank you very much!
I can't check in Podcasts Connect but if you post the URL of your feed I can see whether there are any problems with it.
Is it right?
Thank you very much!
I can't publish my podcast