Do not disturb is coming on way before the scheduled time
For example right now at 7 PM my 930pm scheduled do not disturb has already turned on.
For example right now at 7 PM my 930pm scheduled do not disturb has already turned on.
Where are sleep settings? (iOS 14.6)
(Tried searching at top search victim settings)
& here’s current DnD settings: (I just noticed it’s turned off at the top but still it’s coming on at a different time as stated above)
Your screenshot of Settings shows your DND to come on at 11:30pm, not 9:30 as you state. Without seeing the device, it is difficult to duplicate a problem you describe here of it coming on early. You have the choice to make a Genius Bar appointment at the nearest Apple Store to have Apple examine the device and check your logs to see if that can explain if the device is starting DND early.
OK Chris I happened to look at the wrong line but in reality it doesn’t matter whether it’s 930 or 1130 because the warning of my screen being in do not disturb that popped up happened at 7 PM an hour ago. Thank you for the suggestion of the Genius Bar I know about that I guess I’ll just keep ignoring the other and turning it off every time it pops up for now I just don’t want to bother with the Genius Bar but thanks for all your trying to help.
If there is an issue with your device, it is not a bother to the Genius Bar, they are there to help. Are you sure about the exact text of the message? I've not seen a DND outside of the scheduled time except for the Sleep alarm, and you say that is off. So something has to be going on. Rather than suggest you wipe the phone and then restore a backup, I would visit the Genius Bar. Have you tried turning the phone off and back on again? Otherwise, there are no other troubleshooting steps you could try.
Yes, turned it off and back on. Don't want to wipe/restore. (Did that about couple weeks ago for some other problem). Genius bar is for those phones still under warranty or you pay $$ I think?? Anyway, tks for trying to help. I'll just delete that notice when it pops up. (If I remember, will send a screen shot later when I see it.)
The Genius Bar is for anyone. You do not pay for the Genius Bar. You would only pay if they do some out of warranty work, and that does not include diagnostics. They do all of that for nothing. Thank you for the update. Good luck.
Check Settings>Do Not Disturb, and also, do you have Sleep settings configured?
I can't say about it coming on at the wrong time, as it shows that it is off right now. As far as Sleep settings, check Clock>Alarm.
Sleep settings off there too.
Do not disturb is coming on way before the scheduled time