Sobre o Telefone
Por que que meu aparelho Appele que ele volto para o remetente ?
iPhone 7, iOS 14
Por que que meu aparelho Appele que ele volto para o remetente ?
iPhone 7, iOS 14
You will need to contact Apple Support to answer that question. Contact them the same as you did to set up the repair.
You will need to contact Apple Support to answer that question. Contact them the same as you did to set up the repair.
Joseamor wrote:
Why does my Appele device get it back to the sender?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking here. Can you try and explain more clearly?
Mandei meu aparelho Apple paea a garantia eles estavam enviando outro de reposisao é eu estava estreando e depepente voltou para lá novamente
Queria saber o que houve
Sobre o Telefone