Upgrading to new Mac from IMac OS10
Everything has been backed up to cloud. How do I delete everything from IMac
Everything has been backed up to cloud. How do I delete everything from IMac
iCloud is not a backup source it is a method to make all of your documents available to all of your devices. Time Machine is a backup and is what Apple recommends that you use to backup your system.
To properly migrate to your new Mac please follow the steps in Setup Assistant and Migration Assistant
Please follow the link Ikrupp provided, that is exactly what you need.
Thank you. I want to delete everything- take it to Apple store for recycling. Is there a simple way to do this?
Thanks. CanI still use the CD/DVD internal drive if I de install and delete everything
What do you want to use the CD/DVD for?
The answer is probably no.
Old movies converted to DVD. YOGA DVD’s etc
i may just get an external drive w new Mac.
That is your best option.
Upgrading to new Mac from IMac OS10