battery issue
Its been two days since i bought my MacBook and it has a issue like whenever its battery reaches in 40s it shuts down automatically. What should I do?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 12.1
Its been two days since i bought my MacBook and it has a issue like whenever its battery reaches in 40s it shuts down automatically. What should I do?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 12.1
Contact Apple Directly ( or set up a Genius Bar appointment at the nearest Apple Store or at the nearest Apple Authorized Service Provider and have the Mac evaluated.
There is likely a problem with the battery control circuitry.
The other alternative, since you only have it two days, return it and get a replacement.
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities.
Please refer to this Apple Support article: Get help with your Mac notebook battery - Apple Support.
battery issue