iTunes does nothing when i drag music to my library how can i fix this?
I have tried restarting closing and reopening and iTunes is fully updated but i cant add songs
MacBook, macOS 10.13
I have tried restarting closing and reopening and iTunes is fully updated but i cant add songs
MacBook, macOS 10.13
Try Repair security permissions for iTunes for Mac - Apple Community. Alternatively try placing copies of the files in the Automatically Add to iTunes folder in your media folder. If the files get moved to a Not Added folder you'll know that iTunes doesn't like them, but not why.
Perhaps iTunes doesn't like the output of the conversion program. It doesn't help that iTunes will silently reject anything it doesn't want to add to the library. Try using the Automatically Add to iTunes folder and confirm that the items get moved into the Not Added subfolder.
Try some other songs from other sources. Works fine here. Make a copy of something already in your media folder and see if the copy will add.
What is the source of these files? Recent changes at YouTube appear to have broken some conversion programs.
umm i looking for iTunes not youtube and the files are located in a folder at my desktop
no difference is it because i an using a .flac?
Yes, iTunes doesn’t support FLAC.
i converted my .flac to .mp3 and there is no change
it went to the not added folder so i got a .mp3 from google and same result
Thanks that worked! i found a site for mp3s that itunes likes.
JK the audio there is crumbly garbage il find another site
iTunes does nothing when i drag music to my library how can i fix this?