I am locked out of iMac and my Apple ID doesn’t work.I am locked out of my computer and my Apple ID doesn’t work because I have not set this computer up yet except to turn it on
iMac 24″, macOS 11.3
I am locked out of iMac and my Apple ID doesn’t work.I am locked out of my computer and my Apple ID doesn’t work because I have not set this computer up yet except to turn it on
iMac 24″, macOS 11.3
Welcome to Apple Support Community.
Please see: If you forgot your Mac login password - Apple Support
If you have tried those steps and you cannot reset your password, see: If you can't reset your Mac login password - Apple Support.
If you just purchased this Mac used from a third-party, see: What to do before you sell, give away, or trade in your Mac - Apple Support.
Welcome to Apple Support Community.
Please see: If you forgot your Mac login password - Apple Support
If you have tried those steps and you cannot reset your password, see: If you can't reset your Mac login password - Apple Support.
If you just purchased this Mac used from a third-party, see: What to do before you sell, give away, or trade in your Mac - Apple Support.
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