Redeemed history and purchase
I use an Android phone and I bought my first ever Apple Gift Card and my Apple Gift Card had$25 on it and it is gone now and I would like to know how or what I purchased.
I use an Android phone and I bought my first ever Apple Gift Card and my Apple Gift Card had$25 on it and it is gone now and I would like to know how or what I purchased.
I use an Android phone and I bought my first ever Apple Gift Card and my Apple Gift Card had$25 on it and it is gone now and I would like to know how or what I purchased. How do I see my account history?
I purchased my first Apple Gift Card for $25 with my Android phone. I redeemed the Apple Gift Card and do not know what I got for the gift card
I purchased a $25 Apple Gift Card and it now hasn't have no money on it. Apple Support told me it has been redeemed. What did I get for the $25
I purchased a $25 Apple Gift Card and it now hasn't have no money on it. Apple Support told me it has been redeemed. What did I get for the $25
Redeemed history and purchase