What Can I do to make the Undo button on GarageBand Unlimited?
So while I was working on a really good and happy sounding song in garage band, I made too many tracks is what the app said to me because I had more than 32 tracks. Which was because I was making duplicates of instruments just for them to be at different volumes. However before you correct me I Actually did wish I didn’t create different volumes of an instrument as different tracks because of what Happens next. I then deleted a single one track of the most common tracks that were at different volumes because It’s kind of a piano song itself. And then without Realising that I deleted something so special which I will tell how special it was later, I was working on the drums part of the song and made a **** of a lot of movements/actions/changes as well while focusing on the drums. I then saw something that donned on me, I lost that last part of the Song were there is some sort of extremely melancholic and majestic Piano arpeggio part at the end because I deleted the track that Included that arpeggio when garageband forced me to not make more than 32 tracks like I said earlier, and then when I tried using the undo Button to get back that arpeggio but Nope… I did too many movements/actions/changes like I said earlier to the Point that I can’t undo any further than that absolutely Stupid horrible “Limited Undo” Feature. THERE NEEDS TO BE A WAY TO UNLIMIT THE UNDO BUTTON OR ELSE I WILL HATE IF ANYONE DOESN’T HAVE AN ANSWER THAT WORKS!! Please do!!! Make sure to Check and actually do the thing yourself in garageband that you have come up with before you tell me to go that thing in your response method you’ve come up with in the reply’s on this forum below. And if there is anything that works GarageBand iOS that works exactly the same as the description that is “The Garageband UNlimited undo action feature”. then Let me know. Oh and By the way what I meant by the words action, Movements and changes to give you a hint is related completely with the undo and redo feature aka “thing you can do” on GarageBand.
[Re-Titled by Moderator]