Dear Richard,
Sure, here you go with the answer to your questions:
- MacOS Sonoma on both
- Command-shift-period: files dissappear & reappear
- I go to them via the finder on my Mac
- Document folder that is in Icloud, it doesn not matter if I download them from the cloud to desktop. Still invisible on desktop. They are not invisible if I access them via the browser in Icloud.
- If I open an invisble file and save it as a new file, its visible. If I save it as it is, its not.
- If I move the file to a different folder, it remains invisible
- If I change the file name, file remains invisible
- Word, Acrobat, Powerpoint etc. programme does not seem to matter.
It did not happen to all files in the documents folder, but to many (maybe around 30% to half) with some folders having invisible files and some not. Frequently it is everything in a folder but sometimes it can also be a few documents that are invisible in the folder and a few not.
Really dont know what caused this and how this could have happened.
Using the "chflags nohidden" command in terminal makes files visible again, but its a lot of work to do them all (have to go through all folders).
Hope this helps.