It has been crazy. Nothing seems to help.
I switched from a 14 ProMax to a 15 ProMax and my phone does not last. It has been a week now since I switched, and I blamed it in part of being in a low coverage area and the internet being out. Back home. Still the same thing. Home and lock screen was just bonkers, so I removed everything from the home and Lock Screen. Disallowed a whole bunch of backgrounding apps ( even though not related to the drainage ), a few weather apps, ... the usual.
But, like this morning, phone is charged. I used it for 20 minutes: a 10 min phone call and 10 min on the ring app changing some settings, and the phone lost 10% battery ... for 20 minutes. That used to be maybe 2% ?
It is like the smallest thing runs the phone on full blast?
Instead of on a single efficiency core?