100% scam and fraud.
There are many sites out there that masquerade as real sites, just waiting for some unsuspecting victim to typo a web site - just like you did. They rely on the hope that you don't realize you typoed the site, and that you trust where you think you are.
in 100% of these cases, the site tries to trick you into thinking your machine, your data, or your money is at risk and that you need to call/click/do something now to rectify the problem. In this case they tried to trick you into thinking your machine was infected with a virus.
IF you had followed their instructions you'd have ended up paying some scammer for 'virus removal, or even inadvertently giving them access to your computer (under the guise of enabling them to 'fix it' remotely), at which point they either download all your data, or hold you ransom in some way.
The good news is that if you didn't click any link they offered, and didn't call any number they proposed, there's absolutely nothing they can do to affect your machine. It's all about tricking the user (you) into doing something under stress.
If you did click their link or call their number, then take steps to secure your system now.