Can you pay your bills or credit card with the apple mastercard?
Can you pay a phone bill or credit card bill with your MasterCard?
Can you pay a phone bill or credit card bill with your MasterCard?
Request and activate a titanium Apple Card - Apple Support
You might be able to pay a credit card bill for a different company. I know they seem to compete with each other over shaving interest rates a bit. Mastercard wouldn't have any real interest in adopting your same debt from another version of Mastercard, but Visa might be very happy if you would pay your interest to them instead of Mastercard, if you get what I mean.
My understanding is it works like a regular credit card, though you may need to order the physical card if you want to use it in stores that are not set up for electronic transactions. Whether or not you can pay bills with it depends upon the payment forms the vendor accepts. Most credit cards have an overhead charged to the vendor (which ultimately you pay for in slightly elevated prices - TANSTAAFL) and some places won't accept cards because of that. When we bought our car the dealer would only accept $2,000 of the total as a card.
If you have an Apple titanium Apple Card you should be able to pay any where MasterCard is accepted.
What about a credit card bill?
You can't pay a credit card bill with a credit card.
This was helpful
Thank you, obviously certain other parties thought it a load of drivel even though it directly answered what Cherrys 55 asked about paying a phone bill. :-/
Can you pay your bills or credit card with the apple mastercard?