“How do I copy my iphone photos to an external hard drive? Not backup my entire iphone“
One unique method…
Download All of iCloud, then Search:
Go here, and see what is shown: icloud.com/iclouddrive. You have 5GB of space for free, given your location. So, download all of iCloud. Once dowloaded, search for certain filetypes (ie jpg and gif) through use of a new Finder window on your Mac. Type the file type extensions in the Search Bar on the top-right corner of the Finder window. Next, create a folder of the Desk top. Then, drag-&drop these files to the folder. Next, trash what is in the external drive, and then drag-&-drop this folder into the hard drive. Find ally, trash this folder from your Desktop. You’re set from there with a clean iCloud storage. Use my user tip: Getting a Quick and Direct "iCloud Drive-to-External Hard Drive" Download - User Tip